100 ways The Virtual IT Director can help your business


The Virtual IT Director can help you and your organisation with many areas of IT that often fall outside the scope of your IT break / fix support contract. I’ve noted down some of these below and you’ll be pleased to know I stopped myself at 100!

Schedule your free no-obligation 2-hour consultation today 

  1. Increase overall Cyber Security
  2. Reduce IT overheads
  3. Reduce upcoming capital expenditure
  4. PCI Compliance questionnaire completion
  5. Creation of an IT strategy for growth, acquisitions, mergers and restructuring
  6. Creation of a backup strategy
  7. Business continuity planning assistance
  8. IT Support contract renewal – examine current offering, explore marketplace
  9. Cyber Essentials assistance and guidance
  10. Cyber Insurance overview and advice
  11. Anti-virus renewal guidance – examine current offering, explore marketplace
  12. Wi-Fi solutions – examine business requirements, explore marketplace, make recommendations
  13. Full independent IT assessment with accompanying report
  14. Microsoft licensing audit
  15. Microsoft licensing design
  16. Help your business explore the cloud / hosted / on-premise marketplace
  17. Bespoke programming advice and contacts
  18. R&D Tax Credits advice and contacts
  19. End user IT admin training
  20. End user Microsoft 365 training
  21. IT Manager / IT Support training
  22. Server ‘First Aid’ training
  23. VoIP (Voice over IP) from an IT perspective and help with Digital Switchover 2025
  24. The Human Firewall – what, why, how and when
  25. Moving to a 24/7 operation IT strategy and considerations
  26. What out of hours IT support options are out there and their respective pros and cons
  27. Structured cabling – what can be done, what can’t be done, who to call, pitfalls to watch our for, how to reduce costs
  28. Data archiving / housekeeping – help with how and why this should be done in every organisation
  29. Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  30. GDPR from an IT perspective
  31. Website hosting and design advice
  32. Microsoft SQL solution design, specification, troubleshooting
  33. Technical architect services
  34. Single sign on (SSO) guidance and exploration of marketplace
  35. Stubborn problem resolution – help with those problems that will simply not go away
  36. Remote access strategy assistance
  37. Comms room / Server room assessment and recommendations
  38. Relocation services
  39. An IT presence at your special events
  40. A technical presence with an interview panel
  41. Project management
  42. Network switch design
  43. Router and firewall – examine current solution, explore marketplace for other solutions
  44. On-premise server design
  45. Protecting vulnerable / unsupported applications
  46. Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning guidance
  47. Troubleshooting infrastructure and application performance issues
  48. Cybercrime response strategy planning
  49. Emergency data recovery guidance
  50. Mobile Device Management (MDM) strategy
  51. Anti-spam e-mail scanning
  52. Advanced Threat Detection product guidance
  53. Dark web password scanning – make aware, discuss, explore marketplace
  54. Full Disk Encryption planning
  55. Other encryption services
  56. Ransomware prevention
  57. Password recovery assistance
  58. Guidance on multi-factor authentication (MFA) integration and seamless integration
  59. How and why to monitor your network 24/7/365
  60. Daily task automation guidance
  61. A second opinion / a critical friend
  62. Internet connectivity design
  63. WAN / Site-to-site connectivity design
  64. How to work with your IT support provider to get the most out of them
  65. High-level advice on CRM, Financials, Payroll, ERP and MRP systems and implementation
  66. High level advice and guidance on e-commerce solutions
  67. Microsoft Excel solutions
  68. How to get the most out of Microsoft 365
  69. Printer strategies and options
  70. Automated Patch Management guidance
  71. Advice on hardware and infrastructure for virtual meetings
  72. Consultancy on rolling out IT infrastructure to global offices
  73. Temporary holiday and sickness cover for your IT support team
  74. Apple products for business – what and why
  75. Physical security of IT guidance
  76. Options for hardware disposal
  77. Registered Charity – software benefits available to you
  78. Benefits of Microsoft pre-owned Software
  79. Benefits of pre-owned server hardware
  80. Remote Desktop topology design and license planning
  81. Sharing knowledge of FOC resources available to your business
  82. Ruggedised device advice
  83. High availability / fault tolerant systems advice and considerations
  84. How to improve your return on investment (ROI)
  85. Digital transformation – how to get ahead
  86. CCTV and Time and Attendance – high level advice
  87. Specific Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace security
  88. Specific performance troubleshooting with Pegasus Opera
  89. Specific performance troubleshooting with Intact iQ
  90. IT Accessibility device options
  91. Document management and integration with financials
  92. IoT (Internet of Things) and BYoD strategies
  93. Enterprise level storage options, considerations and strategies
  94. How to provide an office-less and server-less environment
  95. Which Microsoft 365 SKU is best for you?
  96. Guest networks / VLANs / Guest Wi-Fi
  97. Active Directory design and troubleshooting
  98. Awareness of Microsoft resources available to you
  99. Quote comparison service between providers
  100. Domain name management

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